I chopped a foot of hair off & was able to donate it to Locks of Love. I've been trying to talk my girlie into cutting hers into a cute bob but she will not go for it - so I woke up one morning & was like I'm sick of doing 2 girls long hair (mine & hers).
I love getting out of the shower & brushing it because it's not tangled at all. I love how fast & easy it is for me to do. But I don't love that I have the total mom look now. Oh well - I guess I should accept that since I am a mom. & I miss that I can't do lots of fun things to my hair anymore.
Here is the only picture I could find of me where my hair was down (yes another plus - I will actually do my hair now:) So here is my family picture in October:
& the after. I will have to have my husband get the back - it's shorter. This is my little boy being the photographer (who's just under 3). He would gladly take your picture too.

What do you think? Long or Short?
HOT HOT HOT!!!! You look great! What a great cause - way to go! :)
You look so great! What a great example of selflessness and courage you are to your daughter! Also, I wish my 3 yr old could take a pic that well!
both ways look great. I bet it feels so much lighter. I have heavy, thick hair so when I get it cut, it is such a difference in weight
I personally think that when you pull it back into a ponytail, it's the "mom" look. If you do it either short or long, it takes away that "look." I'm growing my hair out now and would love to CHOP it off for locks of love! You're a good example!
AWESOME! I love your hair both ways but knowing the reason behind it I think your short hair is so much better! My oldest daughter is growing her hair out for locks of love right now. Thanks for being an amazing example.
So cute! NOT a mom look.
cute both ways! I remember when I first chopped off all of my hair. I woke up one morning and before i was even out of bed I was on the phone calling the salon to see when they could get me in and that i needed someone I could trust! Well 30 minutes later I was up and at the salon where they cute 14 inches off my hair! I loved it. Since then I have had all sorts of different hair styles, and colors! I love that I can change my hair and if I don't like it...it grows back and I can do something new!
I think it's very cute! My hair is quite long right now, but as I have 4 kids, I don't actually "do" it very often. It's almost always up in a ponytail. I love the style on you!
I had long hair my entire life and cut it 2 years ago. I love, love, love it. I think you will too.
I have 5 year old twin girls, and we enjoy trying out all your fun hair styles. Thanks for posting!
OMG, did you say you now have mom hair? You sooo don't have mom hair! It's so cute, and it's so wonderful that you donated your hair!
Jess your short hair looks very cute and don't worry you don't look too much like a mom now haha
Your hair is beautiful! You have such a cute family! I know what you mean about doing 2 girls hair. It seems like I do mine or my daughters, but rarely both. Keep up the awesome work!
You look amazing either way!
You are beautiful either way!! I love the A line cut, plus it is totally easy to do and look put together for the day. I love your blog! thanks for being so talented :)
The hair looks great, and it will always grow back. The cause is just a bonus. Way to go!
That is not Mom hair. It is gorgeous on you and you do such a great job with all your hair dos. I just love seeing what you come up with next. I have three girls, not counting me.
it looks great and I always love to hear about people donating their hair - it makes my heart happy so GREAT job!
you look great, no mom looks going on with you! and ezra can come over and take my picture, he is great.
It looks great on you. I wish I had the guts to chop off my hair! It's the longest it's ever been and it's starting to get annoying.
Btw, I posted about your twisty knots! They're so cute! http://maddiegirlfashions.blogspot.com/2010/02/twisted-pony.html
I say short. I don't think it looks like "the mom" look at all. Your short cut has so much form and style. I love it.
so chic, very cool.
Your face is lovely either way, but i admit i liked it better long (hey flamers -- she asked for our opinions!). i feel your hair looked fuller and you looked younger with the weight of it making your hair somewhat darker around your face, which brought out your large doe eyes. However, i love the cause Locks of Love and am so elated to read how you shared for those children. Here we grow out our hair, then cut it every 4-6 years to donate it (although mine has a lot of grey in it now -- so it won't go on a little girls' head anymore :) ). It's fun to see how long it gets in that time period and then give it away, only to do it again and again.
Thank you for how much help you have provided me for my little girls' hair week after week! i appreciate your blog so much!
Jess! Hey there! Your blog is fabulous, you are so talented! I love seeing what new and fun stuff you come up with and I don't even have any little ones to try your ideas on! :)
Your hair looks so cute short! I love your hair long, but short hair is always fun for a change. I chopped mine all off too a few months ago. You definately DO NOT have "mom" hair!
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